🇬🇧 tattoo care
What to expect when getting a tattoo?
Before getting a tattoo, it's good to be prepared. Here are some things that could happen to you:
The tattoo needle punctures your skin, so it will probably hurt.
In the first days the tattoo may "sweat" small amounts of ink, lymph and plasma, this is normal.
Your skin may look red or have raised lines.
During the healing process you will feel like scratching yourself, avoid it. Don't pick up or peel off any crusts that form.
Post-tattoo care guide
Aftercare begins as soon as the tattoo is finished. Here are the basic steps you'll need to follow, along with recommendations from your tattoo artist.
* Don't touch it. Try not to lift the bandage or protection, keep it in place for as long as your artist has instructed you - usually at least two hours.
* Remove the bandage. Do it carefully. If it sticks to your skin, try moistening it with warm water to help it come off more easily.
* Wash the skin. You may see some blood or ooze, but this is normal. Gently wash using your hand and a mild neutral soap.
* Dry it well. Pat the skin dry with a paper towel without rubbing as it can irritate or cause the skin to bleed.
* Keep your skin moisturized. Choose a tattoo ointment that helps stimulate the cells that regenerate your skin and help wound healing. Apply a small amount enough to cover the area evenly.
* Clean it periodically. Wash, dry and moisturize your tattoo with tattoo ointment at least twice a day for three to six weeks and even after the scabs have fallen off.
What you should avoid
* Scratch the skin or remove the crusts.
* Submerge your tattoo in water
* Expose your tattoo to the sun or tanning beds.
* Tight clothing that does not let your skin breathe.
* Heavy exercise that stretches or strains the area of ​​your tattoo.
🇪🇸 Cuidado del tatuaje
Qué esperar al hacerte un tatuaje?
Antes de hacerte un tatuaje, es bueno estar preparado. A continuación te mencionamos algunas cosas que te pudieran suceder:
La aguja del tatuaje pincha tu piel, por lo que probablemente te duela.
En los primeros días el tatuaje puede «sudar» pequeñas cantidades de tinta, linfa y plasma, esto es normal.
Tu piel puede verse roja o tener líneas levantadas.
Durante el proceso de cicatrización tendrás ganas de rascarte, evítalo. No levantes ni desprendas las costras que se formen.
Guía de cuidados después de un tatuaje
El cuidado posterior comienza tan pronto finaliza el tatuaje. A continuación, los pasos básicos que deberás seguir, además de las recomendaciones de tu artista tatuador.
- No lo toques. Trata de no levantar la venda o protección, mantenla en su lugar por el tiempo que te haya indicado tu artista - generalmente al menos por dos horas.
- Retira el vendaje. Hazlo con cuidado. Si se adhiere a la piel, intenta humedeciéndola con agua tibia para que se desprenda más fácilmente.
- Lava la piel. Es posible que veas algo de sangre o exudado, pero es normal. Lava suavemente utilizando tu mano y un jabón suave neutro.
- Sécalo bien. Seca la piel con una toalla de papel sin frotar ya que puede irritar o hacer sangrar la piel.
- Mantén tu piel humectada. Elige una pomada para tatuajes que ayude a estimular las células que regeneran tu piel y a la cicatrización de heridas. Aplica una pequeña cantidad suficiente para cubrir el área de manera uniforme.
- Límpialo regularmente. Lava, seca y humecta tu tatuaje con una pomada para tatuajes al menos dos veces al día durante tres a seis semanas e incluso después de que las costras se hayan caído.
Lo que debes evitar
- Rascar la piel o quitar las costras.
- Sumergir tu tatuaje en agua
- Exponer tu tatuaje al sol o cámaras bronceadoras.
- Ropa ajustada que no deje respirar tu piel.
- Hacer ejercicio pesado que estire o force el área de tu tatuaje.
The tattoo healing process starts
On the second day, the tattoo will have now dried and started to scab. The tattoo is still sensitive and will hurt when touched (which you should avoid if possible). Your top layers of skin are now trying to heal and to close the skin for the further healing still to come.
In this phase you should continue to make sure that your tattoo is as clean as possible and that your skin has optimal healing conditions. The best way to do this is to drink a lot (alcohol-free, of course), eat a healthy diet and keep the tattoo as protected as possible. Sport and swimming are still not possible in this phase because the risk of infection is very high.
How long will the redness last on my tattoo?
In the first week, scabs should form on the tattoo and the redness should slowly go away. If the redness doesn’t go away, the tattoo may be inflamed. In that case, you should consult with your tattoo artist who will tell you what to do.
When does a tattoo stop itching?
As your skin heals, your tattoo may itch. That’s a good sign, because it means your body is working to repair the skin. You should avoid scratching it in any case. A good tattoo healing cream that you apply thinly on the tattoo can provide some relief.
Also in this phase, you should make sure to keep your tattoo free from friction, as this could damage the scabbing and interfere with the healing process. Bathing should still be avoided as the scabs would soften and bacteria could penetrate the reopened wound.
When will the scabbing go away?
In the second week, the scabbing should slowly go away, and you will already be able to see the freshly healed layers of skin on your tattoo. However, you should keep in mind that only the upper skin layers above the tattoo have newly formed. The lower layers of the skin are still in the tattoo healing process and it will take a while until they have fully regenerated. Since the new protective skin still doesn’t cover all areas of the tattoo, swimming and bathing should be avoided.
In the early healing phase, you should continue to clean the tattoo regularly with a cleansing aftercare product as well as applying your chosen tattoo healing cream so that it doesn’t dry out and can continue to heal. Of course, direct sunlight should also be avoided.
What is silver skin and when will it disappear?
After 3 weeks or so, the scabs should have completely fallen off and a thin layer of skin should have appeared over the tattoo. This layer of skin is called ‘silver skin’ and will make the tattoo look a little shiny and dull. The brightness will return in time once the tattoo is fully healed.
In this phase you can go swimming and take baths again, but you should make sure that the tattoo in the upper skin layer (epidermis) has healed completely and the skin is completely closed.
How long should you wait after a tattoo to play sports?
Physical exercise is not recommended in the immediate period after getting a tattoo due to the risk of injury, as the scabs could tear open due to stretching or touching and sweat could penetrate the tattoo. However, after a couple of weeks light sporting activities (e.g. cycling) can be carried out as long as the tattoo is not being stressed too much (stretching, friction). Sports that are at risk of damaging the thin skin should therefore be avoided. Direct sunlight should also be avoided, since the thin layer of skin cannot protect the tattoo colours.
Once the upper layers of your skin have healed (after about 3 weeks), you can start exercising again, however, you should make sure that you apply aftercare to the tattoo before working out as well as cleaning and applying aftercare to your tattoo post-workout.
After about a month your tattoo will have healed and it feels as if the tattoo colours have already become part of your skin. The skin feels smooth, and the epidermis is completely healed. However, the underlying skin layers (dermis) will still take a while to heal completely and to absorb the colour completely. In this phase, you no longer need to take special care of the tattoo. It doesn’t hurt, however, to apply tattoo cream from time to time and to be careful not to hurt the skin on top of the tattoo.
Can’t wait to get back into the sauna after your tattoo? After about a month you can go back to the sauna, swimming and do sports as you like. If in the sun too, you should always make sure that you cover the tattoo or at least protect it with sunscreen. There are special tattoo sunsscreens with a high sun protection factor that optimally protect your tattoo.
When has a tattoo completely healed?
After 6 months, your tattoo has completely healed in all skin layers and the colour has been completely absorbed by your skin. You can now treat the tattooed area like the rest of your skin. Keep in mind though that your tattoo will age over time, just like your skin.
If you have dry skin, you should apply aftercare regularly so the skin stays hydrated and the colours stay vibrant. Your skin lives and so does your tattoo; fine lines will get thicker and initially visible dots in shades will sink further into the skin and blur a little. The actual result of a tattoo can usually be seen at this time.
Your tattooed skin will now react like the rest of your skin and you can swim, take baths and exercise as before. However, you should still make sure to use a sunsscreens with a high sun protection factor (SPF) on the tattooed area to protect your tattoo from the sun. If you don’t, your tattoo will look duller and lose its vibrancy and colour intensity over time.